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Saturday, November 3, 2007


Closing the Sale

Working your Usana business involves many aspects, but the bottom line is that in order to grow, you need to close the sale. For some, closing the sale will require learning new skills. Here are some useful things to remember while taking your prospects past discussion, and onto enrollment.

1. Build relationships

Closing will be easier once trust and bonds are built. Spend some time getting to know each other. Listen more than you talk. When you do speak, share your absolute passion for these incredible products, the company and the opportunity. But stay focused on the benefits to your prospect. Your closing has already begun when you make the meeting all about the prospect.

2. Always presume the sale

Go into the conversation knowing that the prospect wants and needs the products, AND the opportunity. We all know that these products give FANTASTIC results. Assume that everyone else wants the same! And we especially want this for those we care about. On top of this, the science is there to support the quality of these products, and good nutrition DOES help prevent disease, so we can be confident in our knowing. Use phrases such as "When you begin to take these supplements...." Talk about the products/opportunity as if they have already made the purchase. Even if they don't want to run a business, they will probably want to get their products paid for by becoming a referral associate.

3. Listen for the signals, and give options

Train your ear to recognize when the prospect is ready to buy. Listen for language that turns into a sale (example: the prospect asks specific questions about details, such as delivery time or exact pricing). Then, help the prospect make his/her own decision by offering options (example: "Which product is more interesting to you, the Essentials or the HealthPak?"). Options are less threatening, and help them to continue thinking, and talking to you.

4. Ask for the sale using open ended questions, and multiple times!

Using questions that cannot be answered with a yes or no answer will encourage the prospect to speak about themselves, helping you to get to know their needs. "Why" is a good starting word for those questions (example: "Why are you interested in taking supplements?" or "Why are you thinking about changing brands of supplements?"

When it comes to asking for the sale, you will probably need to ask at least five times, in different non-threatening ways, using these open ended questions. (example: "If you were planning to buy one of our products today, which one would it be?"). Many times the prospect will close their own sale by answering this question. (More examples: "Would you like to start with the Healthpak - or the Essentials?", "One business center or three?").

5. If necessary, use a soft close

If the prospect is really not ready to sign on the dotted line today, you can use a "soft close", such as giving samples of products, or literature, and setting a time to follow up. Make sure to follow up exactly when you said you would, and be ready to keep the conversation going. Ask about their experience with the samples, and listen.

6. Handling objections

Handling objections is a whole topic in itself, but in order to close the sale you will undoubtedly come up against objections, so here is one technique that many use to handle any objection at all. The "feel", "felt", "found" technique is an excellent way to bond and form a relationship, which is the first point we discussed.

When the prospect objects, you simply say, "I know exactly how you feel about that.....)". "I have felt that way myself before...." "And what I have found is that....). Experiment with some different examples for yourself to see just how effective and easy this is. We are not trying to convince anyone of anything. We are helping them understand the benefits of the products and the opportunity, and helping them come to their own conclusion about how their lives can be improved. If, after handling many objections, the prospect is still completely uninterested, it's probably time to move on.

Hope these tips are helpful! Happy Prospecting!

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